In a small way I agree with you, but in a another way I do not.

What do you think will happen in 2 months, or 2 weeks, when someone is
searching the mail archives and sees statements like "it brings more
problems than it solves"?  And as they read on, there is no rebuttal.  One
might assume the author is knowledgeable and accurate.

It is frustrating when people who don't understand something bash it on
public forums.  Look at what happened as JSF was being created.  You had a
bunch of nay-sayers whining about how JSF is competitor to Struts, etc, etc.
I mean, come on.  That's like saying OJB or Hibernate is competing with
JDO.....that just cracks me up.

Anyway, I'm signing off this thread, and since you seem to love to have the
'last word', I'll politely let you have it.

See ya on another thread.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael McGrady" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: Re: Struts Bloat: Framework

> I think the reference to Tiles was rather offhand and incidental and
> made solely in relation to another isssue which you are on record as not
> interested in, Jim.   Missing the point is, of course, forgiveable.  We
> all do that.  When you do so /and/ call someone's thought "ignorant",
> that is unfortunate.  The main point, that Tiles should be moved,
> whether you like it or not, is, I think, valid.  I like (love) Tiles and
> agree with the gentleman's real point.
> Michael McGrady
> James Mitchell wrote:
> >>I think it brings more problems than it solves.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >That's a pretty ignorant statement.
> >
> >Why would you say such a thing?  How
> >many people or projects are using Tiles (whether successfully or not)?
> >could you possibly know?  So how could you know how many problems it
> >
> >With any product or feature of any software, the more popular something
> >the more visibility (and critics) it generally has.  Look at Validator.
> >has many critics and many enthusiasts.  I have used Tiles on many
> >and despite the slight extra memory consumption, the pros far outweigh
> >cons.
> >
> >Just because some feature of some product is complex (and maybe poorly
> >documented) does not mean "it brings more problems than it solves".
> >
> >If you don't like the way something is, change it.  If enough people like
> >your changes, submit them and they will likely be committed.  But
> >like these do not help in making anything better.
> >

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