Hello, Kris,

Thanks or responding. I solved the problem. Instead of relying up System, I just created my own independent font application. I use a doubled HashMap to get the physical font files location from the font FONT name and the font FAMILY name from a constants class (actually two constants classes, because the VM would not hand the file size). Then I just use TextAttributes put into a may after the Font object is created with a FileInputStream. Works like a charm. All my buttons are created on the fly and Internationalized, so this was essential.

If you have anything to add, given this, I would be more than interested. Always looking to make things better.

Michael McGrady

Kris Schneider wrote:


If you're still looking for input, post back, I've got some follow-up questions.

Michael McGrady wrote:

I use a Struts PlugIn to set System.setProperty("java.awt.fonts", MyApp.FONTS_LOCATION) to set the dynamic option for awt fonts. This works. Then I put a variety of open source fonts in the MyApp.FONTS_LOCATION directory. new File(MyApp.FONTS_:LOCATION).exists() return "true". When I set in a Struts custom taglib for a subclass of ImageTag as TextAttribute.NAME with the value of a .ttf file, it also shows up as the name of the Font object, e.g. java.awt.Font[family=dialog,name=wds011402,style=plain,size=36]. However, as you can see, the family name always returns to a default, and the True Type Font in my custom fonts file is not used. Does anyone have experience with this? Is there a recommended different way of dealing with setting Fonts in Struts.

Michael McGrady

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