On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 08:26:20 -0700, Michael McGrady wrote:
> If you were interested, we might try doing this as a Struts Branch,
> maybe calling it "Branch" or "Struts Branch", with a really up-to-
> date modular structure along the lines indicated in Stuart Dabbs
> Halloway's "Component Development for the Java Program", keeping
> only a real kernel as the base.  We could pop it up on SourceForge.
>  I bet we could even recruit The Halloway Himself, even though he
> has gone elsewhere for the majority of his time right now.  I don't
> think this presently exists.  I do think that it would "sell" like
> wildfire to users.  This would allow the user, in effect, to become
> automatic developers through their plugins and extensions.  This
> would build a framework without ego in the core.

If you come up with some actual code to commit, consisder setting up shop at Struts 

We'll be bringing Struts Control Flow and Struts Scripting over soon, so they will 
some vacancies :)

Incidentally, the Chain of Responsibility, which is the core of the upcoming Struts 
1.3 request processor, does support drag-and-drop components. You can build a JAR so 
that Chain will automatically plug it into the catalog.

One reason Struts Committers aren't "chaffing at the bit" to explore other proposals 
is that many of the things people mention would already be supported by Struts chain. 
We think Chain is going to scratch most of our itches, and so we don't feel the need 
to shop.

Getting a 1.2.x stable release was a long time coming, but now we can finally get back 
to business.


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