Thanks for the response.

I was doing some more thinking about this after posting the question -- What
I really need is the request parameters to be preserved. As I'm using
DynaActionForms, I think I could just store a copy of the form after each
request; and, then if I intercept a login/language change, simply substitute
the stored form for the submitted one. Obviously I'd need to ensure that the
form is for the page being requested now, but I think that should work. Any
problems you see?

On 20041015 11:17 AM, "Kris Schneider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As to storing the request instances, here's something of interest from the
> Servlet 2.3 spec:
> ===
> SRV.4.10 Lifetime of the Request Object
> Each request object is valid only within the scpoe of a servlet’s service
> method, or within the scope of a filter’s doFilter method. Containers commonly
> recycle request objects in order to avoid the performance overhead of request
> object creation. The developer must be aware that maintaining references to
> request objects outside the scope described above may lead to
> non-deterministic
> behavior.
> ===
> You can certainly pull some data out of the request (params, properties, etc.)
> and store that, but do not maintain a reference to the actual request object.
> Quoting John Fitzpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> This may be slightly off-topic for this list, but here goes anyway:
>> I'm working on a Struts site which must be i18n compatible and have a login
>> system where some of the pages are protected. What I'm looking to accomplish
>> is two fold:
>> 1. When viewing any page, including query results, be able to select a
>> language from the pull-down menu and get the page the same page back in the
>> new language.
>> 2. When requesting a page that is protected, have the user be prompted to
>> authenticate and then receive the originally requested page. Or, have a
>> login form on each page which will return the same page with just the login
>> details changed.
>> To accomplish this, I attempted to store each HttpServletRequest in the
>> session and then check for a language change, or login request, in an
>> ancestor of each action, process that change and then serve the previous
>> request. However, when I take the stored request out of the session, it's
>> handle to the Session is now 'null.'
>> Has anyone had some experience attempting something like this, or am I
>> barking up entirely the wrong tree here?
>> FWIW, I've looked at JAAS and don't feel that it suits our needs. The role
>> handling is simply too coarse. 

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