Example of retrieving the configuration of the form.

OutStanding questions are:

1.) Is the order of the array returned from findFormPropertyConfigs()
call the order defined in the <form-property> tag of the
struts-config.xml file?

2.) From the server side. If one wished to determined if the fieldname
was required. What would one do to determine this? So that one might
call formBean.setFocus(fieldName) from the action class.


        // code taken from DynaActionFormClass

        DynaActionForm formBean = (DynaActionForm) form;

        FormBeanConfig config =


        FormPropertyConfig props[] = config.findFormPropertyConfigs();

        for (int i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {

            if ("fieldName".equals(props[i].getName())) {

                formBean.set(props[i].getName(), props[i].initial());




Any help would be appreciated.


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