David G. Friedman wrote:

I haven't used the validator in a while but I have a 3 questions for you:

1. If, as you say, the Javascript tag isn't being enclosed in
<script>..</script> tags, then you need to verify that your validation file
is loaded AND that you have the correct form name in your <html:javascript
formName="...." />.  I've had that problem before when the file either was
not loaded (bad path on my part for the plug-in) OR when the formName="..."
didn't match anything in my validation.xml file.  I recommend you make sure
the file loaded properly and is in the correct path specified in your plugIn
as you listed a matching formName in that .xml file.

Well, first things first ;)
[ValidatorPlugIn] Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
[ValidatorPlugIn] Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
I guess this implies that it's been loaded right? Well the name of the form matches both javascript tag and validation.

2. Since your html:javascript tag names the form "userForm", why isn't your
action tag's onSubmit call this:
onsubmit="return validateUserForm(this);"

Sorry, this is what I didn't understand. I thought that the name would be the name of the function declared on the validatior-rules.xml

3. What does your action mapping look like?  I should look a bit like this
(depending on how you customized it, of course):

<action path="/atualizaDadosUsuarioAction"
        input="BBBB" >
        <forward name="success" path="????" />

I. The "AAAA" should be the class name of the Action subclass to invoke.

II. The validate="true" forces the server-side to user the userForm's
validate() method provided by the super class ValidatorForm.  This allows
validation failure to go to the place specified in the input="BBBB"
attribute for your action in the struts-config.xml (or related Struts
module) file.

III. The "BBBB" should be a place to go (JSP, forward, html page, action) to
go to when validation fails.  Typically, this is some input form page which
is often the page calling the "/atualizaDadosUsuarioAction" Struts action in
the first place.


Well step 3 looks just like above. I'll try other stuff here. But thanks for the help David.

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