Boy, Howdie, Hiran! It would be great to have RequestUtils be extensible. That sounds like the start of something really good to me.

Michael McGrady


Hi, Craig.

You hit the bull's eye. No I claim this not only to be a JSP/Servlet problem.
The way you describe will cause the browser to encode all form data with UTF-8.
Unfortunately the servlet container (Tomcat in my case) does not know about this.

To obtain the correct parameter values, someone has to call (beware of Nullpointers 
and UnsupportedEncodingExceptions)

new String(request.getParameter("...").getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), "UTF-8")

This conversion must be applied to all parameter values. Either it is done once in 
Struts, or each and every Action has to convert the values Struts provides, breaking 
this really nice architecture of FormBeans. In Cocoon I see this type of conversion 
can be turned on and off by configuration.

I recommend changing the RequestUtils' populate method (which I did for me), or 
enhancing the RequestProcessor to allow RequestUtils to be replaced by subclasses 
thereof so people like me can plug in their own RequestUtils. What do you think?


Hiran Chaudhuri
SAG Systemhaus GmbH
Elsenheimer Straße 11
80867 München
Phone +49-89-54 74 21 34
Fax   +49-89-54 74 21 99

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2004 23:47
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Internationalizing a Struts project

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 16:31:14 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi there.

I'm working on i18n of a Struts based project. All

references I find about this topic deal with using messages depending on the user's locale. Has anyone ever experienced problems with national special characters (such as currency symbols for sterling or euro?


This issue is more related to the way JSP works than Struts, but here's a summary.

The most important consideration for national characters is the character encoding that will be used to send the response back to the browser. Unless you ask for something different explicitly, JSP pages are always sent back in ISO-8859-1 (basically 7-bit ASCII), which will create problems with characters outside the 7-bit range.

To ask for the content encoding to be set differently, you use the page directive at the top of your JSP pages, for example, to select

   <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>

If all of your national characters are produced by custom tags (such as <bean:write> or <html:input> in the case of Struts), this should be all you need. If you also want to use literal characters in the template text of your JSP page, you have to go one step further -- actually store the source code of your JSP page in an appropriate encoding, and tell the JSP compiler what that encoding is. The details of how you save pages in a particular encoding will depend on the text editor or IDE you are using, but the mechanism to tell JSP about it is standard. So, if you also use UTF-8 encoding for your source page, you'd say:

<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" T%>

Craig McClanahan

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