I have a proposal at the bottom of this email.

I know exactly what you want. Struts is a wonderful potential base for this. I have been crying for this in Struts, but have only gotten resistence from the more vocal committers and, I think, a failure to see what the problem is.

Right now Struts includes way too much application specific coding in the core. With a pretty concerted team effort it could be cleaned up, but with 1.3 on the way, that does not seem to be wise at the moment. With Struts 1.2 the problem seems to be increasing rather than decreasing. I really think there is a failure to understand the problem. I am not too effective at advocating this, because I don't have the time to assuage feelings around these issues.

With Struts 1.3 coming along, I have just bided my time and kept a copy of Struts to consider starting an offshoot that makes the core the core and the rest modular with plugins and extensibility. This might not be too hard, because the main thing is removing dependencies.


If you were interested, we might try doing this as a Struts Branch, maybe calling it "Branch" or "Struts Branch", with a really up-to-date modular structure along the lines indicated in Stuart Dabbs Halloway's "Component Development for the Java Program", keeping only a real kernel as the base. We could pop it up on SourceForge. I bet we could even recruit The Halloway Himself, even though he has gone elsewhere for the majority of his time right now. I don't think this presently exists. I do think that it would "sell" like wildfire to users. This would allow the user, in effect, to become automatic developers through their plugins and extensions. This would build a framework without ego in the core.

Michael McGrady

James Mitchell wrote:

Apache Struts provides just what you want ;) That's about as generic as you
can get.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I'm wondering if anyone has thought about developing an Eclipse like WebApp framework. The idea is to provide an application shell and a contribution (think plugin) mechanism. Contributions could include, tabs, navigation, help, etc..

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