If your trash-can button is using a link, you need to encode the request parameters into the link when you generate the JSP page. If your trash-can button is submitting a form, you need to create <input type='hidden'/> elements in your JSP page for each request parameter.

I would recommend the latter approach, because it's the only way you can use the POST method to submit your request, and that's the recommended approach for any operations that attempt to modify the data in the system.

-- Jeff

Vinicius Carvalho wrote:
Hi there! This kinda off topic, but I'm confused with that. I have this flow on my app:

User search  -> content display -> remove

Let me get in some finer details. The user enters a criteria to filter the number of items displayed, on the next screen those items are shown with a trash icon, representing the delete action. The user deletes an item and then goes back to the screen with the items. The issue here, is that I must preserve the criteria. I'd like to avoid to use session, is there any better option? I mean, in my jsp I have access to the criteria that was put in request, but how to propagate it to the delete action and then to the jsp again?
request.setAttribute(request.getAttribute("criteria"),"criteria"); seems pretty odd to me.

Thanks all



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