> > There is a simple solution. In the c:import specify an absolute URL.

> I am having the same issue as you were last month.  I am using OC4J (AS
> 10g) and can not <c:import> nor <tiles:insert> more than one Struts
> on the same JSP.  I saw that you worked around the issue by using an
> absolute URL with <c:import>.  I tried this too and it does indeed work
> however this results in a distinct request scope such that the request
> scope of the calling JSP is not visible in the included Struts action
> vice versa).  Did you find this too?  Have you found any other
> to this issue?  Do you think this is an OC4J issue, a Struts issue, a
> issue?  Why do you suppose there is so little written about this problem
> considering that what we are doing seems like it would be an ideal
> architecture?

It does say in the jstl spec for import that if the url is within the same
application context then the environment variables will be pass on, ie
request, response, etc. Struts actions commit to the response so you
cannot use them to include additional data in this way. It worked out well
with an absolute url because we are using a webcache so that the import
was fast enough. I guess your options are to either change the struts
action into just including a jsp page or servlet, or importing an absolute
url and putting the required information in as request parameters to the

ps. please post your question to the mailing list, and then, only if the
thread is old, email me a copy. 

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