Hi Bill,

Bill Siggelkow schrieb:


Can you explain what you are trying to do? Are you trying to prohibit/allow the user inputting HTML markup?

I've got an application where users can enter data into different textfields, -areas. These data are stored within a database and may be altered by the user later on.
When a japanese or chinese user enters his/her data using Kanji for example the browser transfers the Kanji signs into HTML-Entities. These are stored within the DB and displayed when the user reenters and wants to change/add/delete some data.

While plain HTML-Tags behave correct in this case (they are displaying the HTML entities read from DB as Kanji signs) the struts equivalents don't!
The struts tags encode the leading ampersand of the HTML entities so that the entity is delivered to the browser in the following form: 〹
Therefore it is not displayed correctly anymore.

The bean:write tag has the option to switch filtering of but the html:text and html:textarea don't have this option but in my opinion it's highly indicated in order to use struts within multilanguage applpications.

Kind regards

        René Thol


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