
I have a form-property like so:
<form-property name="PropertyName" type="java.lang.String[]" size="5"/>

Which is populated by the following in my jsp page:

<logic:iterate id="element" name="MyForm" property="PropertyName"
    <td class="firstCol"><bean:message key='MyForm.PropertyName'/>:</td>
    <td class="lastCol">
      <html:select property='<%="PropertyName[" + counter + "]" %>'>
        <html:option key="select.default" value=""/>
        <logic:notEmpty name="MyForm" property="PropertyName_refData">
          <html:options property="PropertyName_refData" ></html:options>
    <html:errors property="PropertyName"/>

This works fine as I get the 5 html:selects on the page. However, I want to
validate this and check that at least 1 of the 5 have been specified. I've
tried the following in validation.xml but am getting unexpected token errors
and I can't figure out how to do my validation.

<field property="PropertyName" indexedListProperty="PropertyName"
  <arg0 key="MyForm.PropertyName"/>
    <var-value>((PropertyName[0] != null) or (*this* != null))</var-value>

Any suggestions as to how I can validate that at least 1 has been specified
would be most welcome!


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