I am pretty sure this error is related to invalid/outdated versions of validator and/or struts. Since you list an invalid validator version, I can't tell what you are using.

I would try first seeing if the problem exists with the version of validator that ships with the version of struts you are using. If that does work, then try upgrading to the latest version of validator (1.1.3 or 1.1.4 alpha) and see if the problem persists.


Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
Derek Broughton <derek 'at' pointerstop.ca> writes:

I'm running Validator 1.3.1, Apache 2.0.52, Tomcat 4.1.30, Struts 1.1 on a Debian Linux system. When connected to the net, Tomcat starts fine. When unconnected, I get the following message in catalina*.log. Why on earth does Validator need to reach the web? In the first place, my Tomcat is local and

Commons-validator might be trying to download the DTD specified
in the DOCTYPE declaration of your validation XML document.

java.net.SocketException should really display the details about
where it fails to connect. We've had a similar problem with a
proprietary software we use here, when the application was trying
to connect to `hostname` instead of localhost for something, and
the /etc/hosts configuration was incorrect. It took days both
because the software was proprietary and java.net.SocketException
was just saying "Connection timeout".

I don't need to go to the web, but I really, really, hate apps that want to make connections I don't know about. Is there something I can do to make

The good thing about free software and java backtraces is that
you can track down what's going on and even possibly hack/debug
the origin of your problem.

Validator work when I'm unconnected, or must I wrote my own validations?

You could maybe try to supply a local file as the DTD of your
validation file, and see if that black magic sorts out your

In any case, if you're paranoid about connections behind your
back, you can log every connection attempt with an appropriate
setting of netfilter in your kernel.

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