From: "Jim Barrows" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <html:form property="userId" value='<%=user.getId()%>'/>
> You have 3 more choices:
> 1) The struts bean taglib
> 2) JSP bean tags
> 3) JSTL bean tags.
> <html:blah property="userId" value="${"/>

But... this prevents the framework from re-displaying the user's input if
the form fails validation.  (The user could have modified the value that was
originally displayed, and that change will be lost.)

> From: "Vinicius Caldeira Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have the caller action having the name="myform"
> inside it I have this code:
> myform.setUserId(myBean.getId());
> then I forward
> on the jsp:

Can you post the actual code?  I wonder if you are operating on the 'form'
object that was passed into the Action.execute() method, or not?

Also post the relevant parts of struts-config.xml (for the 'caller action'
you mentioned, and saveAction.)

Wendy Smoak

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