From: "Vinicius Caldeira Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> <code>
> Proponente proponente = delegate.findProponente(id);
> CadastrarReservaProspeccaoForm reservaForm =
> (CadastrarReservaProspeccaoForm)form;
> reservaForm.setIdProponente(proponente.getId());
> </code>
> As you can see I'm using the form object that is passed to the action
> via action servlet. After using I dont need to save it to the request do

Which Action did that code come from?  (I'm guessing... the first one.  I'm
not sure why you need it, if it just executes some code and forwards to the
second action.  Why not just put the code directly in the second action?)

No, you don't need to say request.setAttribute(...).  You are operating on a
reference to the form, which the framework has already placed wherever it

I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what the problem is, because this
isn't how I do things.  (I have one Action with a bunch of methods, and my
forms are usually in session scope.)

To determine whether you're "losing" the request somewhere along the way,
try putting the form in session scope and see if the problem goes away.
(Add   scope="session"   to the <action> tag in struts-config.xml.)  Or
perhaps someone else can see what the problem is.

Wendy Smoak

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