On Thu, December 23, 2004 9:13 am, Donie Kelly said:
> [Donie Kelly] Hi Guys
> OK, I ran through most of what your are telling me and must first thank
> you
> all for the detailed responses.

You spawned an interesting thread!  The seemingly simple questions are usually 
the ones that do that though. :)

> 1) I want to check I have a valid session so that I know the objects I
> have
> been carrying through the session are still there. It they are not, I want
> to reestablish them by redirecting back to some starting page which
> initialises the session.

I can tell you the way I've done this in the past... Firstly, note that the 
best way is with some plug-in to your web server (or app server) that 
externalizes security, something like Netegrity for example.  This would handle 
expiring sessions and such as you want, redirecting to some logon page 

In the absence of that though, what I've done is to have an ActionHelpers 
class... This class contains two methods, start() and finish().  start() is 
called at the start of each Action and finish(), you guessed it, is called 
right before returning the ActionForward.

Let's ignore what finish() does because it's not applicable here... start() 
however is... The first thing it does is calls checkSession() (my own method) 
that verifies if the session is valid or not, and redirects to the logon page 
if it's not.

That takes care of one piece of the puzzle... the other is what happens if 
someone accesses a JSP directly?  All I do here is call checkSession() 
directly.  If it's invalid, the page renders a redirect.  So, all the JSP's 
have a structure along these lines:

<% if (!ActionHelpers.checkSession()) { %>
     <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=http://www.mysite.com/logon.do";>
<% } else { %>
     ... The actual page goes here
<% } %>

That does the trick.  I'm in NO WAY saying this is industrial-strength 
security, but it gets the job done.  In the environment I do this in, security 
isn't an issue though, so this is fine.  Also, it wouldn't be trivial I think 
to hack this anyway since you have to get a valid session on the server at some 
point that matches what's on the client, and assuming that can only be done 
through some logon procedure, it should be not completely insecure :)
> 2) Need to put page navigation in the header.jsp page to make it easy to
> navigate. I guess I will be putting stuff in the session to make so I was
> going to use the form to return the breadcrumb name. Is this a good way to
> do it?

I would suggest looking for a canned breadcrumb solution.  There was a recent 
thread about just that, and some existing solutions were mentioned.

If your going to build your own, you need to determine what information you 
really need to construct your nav bar.  I doesn't sound like you need access to 
the Form Bean, as I had thought you were asking originally (maybe you were, 
maybe I misunderstood... doesn't really matter I guess :) ).  Sounds like what 
you really need is the Action path for all the pages that have been visited in 

I would myself be thinking of a linked list structure, stored in session, with 
each item holding the mapping path.  That should be all you need to construct a 
breakcrumb path.

But again, no sense reinventing the wheel... Solutions for this exist already.

> That's it really.
> Donie
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