Creating the underlying HTML yourself is relatively trivial. I did something similar a few months back...

I had to create a web-based repot design tool (let's not get into why we couldn't use any of the millions of canned solutions to this...) Anyway, the report itself was basically constructed of a large number of <div> tags, all with different style attributes. All of these details were retrieved from a database. In these layers were all sorts of text, images, database field references, etc., all the stuff you'd typically see on a banded report design tool. So, what was rendered in the browser was generated completely dynamically from the database entriesm but was of course just plain HTML.

This isn't exactly like what your trying to do, but it is similar. It's just a matter of generating <div>'s and their content vs. creating <input>'s and their content. Remember, the taglibs are optional components, and they render straight HTML in the end anyway, so just bypass them and you can do what you want.

I would say James is right, it IS ugly, but only if you are used to using the taglibs in the first place. If you use them all the time, then yes, this will appear ugly :) If you don't use them much now though, this really doesn't seem so bad.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

James Mitchell wrote:
No, you will not be able to use the struts tags to generate these (html:text, html:radio). You will need to do this 'by hand' unless you can find some other component/framework that can handle this use case.

I had the displeasure of working on such a beast about 5 years ago......and let me just was ugly.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer / Open Source Evangelist
EdgeTech, Inc.
AIM: jmitchtx

----- Original Message ----- From: "Partho Sandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 10:10 AM
Subject: create text fields/radio buttons dynamically by reading from db

I need display html tags on the screen such as text fields, radio buttons etc
by reading them from the database.

Is there any way that the text fields/radio buttons can be created dynamically,
in struts framework, by reading the list of html tags from the database. I
would not like to hard code the getters and setters in a bean or add the
enteries corresponding to the html tags in configuration files for dynaform?

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