Thank you for your help, but the form still blank.
I also tried using session (in struts-config.xml and session.setAttribute())
but still blank.

request.setAttribute("categoryEditForm", form);


>>       CategoryEditForm categoryEditForm = (CategoryEditForm)form;
>>       categoryEditForm.setName("testing");
>request.setAttribute("categoryEditForm", form);
>>       return (mapping.findForward("continue"));
>   I think that will do ;)
>Pedro Salgado
>On 12/1/05 10:19 am, "Dody Rachmat Wicaksono" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I'm trying to create an edit page. I think I already in the right direction,
>> but still unable to populate data even with a direct value via action class.
>> Please let me what's wrong here. I've spend 3 days alone with this problem.
>> Thank you.
>> I created two action file:
>> - (this action will populate data from db to
>> form)
>> - (this action will save the data)
>> My formbean:
>> ----------------------
>> public class CategoryEditForm extends ValidatorForm  {
>>   private String name;
>>   private String categoryId;
>>   public void setName(String s) {
>> = s;
>>   }
>>   public String getName() {
>>       return name;
>>   }              
>>   public void setcategoryId(String s) {
>>       this.categoryId = s;
>>   }
>>   public String getcategoryId() {
>>       return categoryId;
>>   }
>> }
>> My struts-config.xml
>> ----------------------
>> <form-bean name="categoryEditForm"
>> type="com.strutsgen.garuda.CategoryEditForm"/>
>>       <action path="/setUpCategoryEditForm"
>>           type="com.strutsgen.garuda.SetUpCategoryEditAction"
>>           name="categoryEditForm"
>>           scope="request"
>>           validate="false"
>>           <forward
>>                   name="continue"
>>                   path="/categoryEditForm.jsp"/>
>>       </action>
>>       <action path="/categoryEdit"
>>           type="com.strutsgen.garuda.CategoryEditAction"
>>           name="categoryEditForm"
>>           attribute="val_categoryEdit"
>>           scope="request"
>>           validate="true"
>>           input="/categoryEditForm.jsp"
>>           <forward
>>                   name="success"
>>                   path="/categoryEditOk.jsp"/>
>>       </action>
>> ----------------------
>> public final class SetUpCategoryEditAction extends Action {
>>   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
>>                                ActionForm form,
>>                                HttpServletRequest request,
>>                                HttpServletResponse response)
>>       throws Exception {
>>       CategoryEditForm categoryEditForm = (CategoryEditForm)form;
>>       categoryEditForm.setName("testing");
>>       return (mapping.findForward("continue"));
>>   }
>> }
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