I am trying to use commons-chain on my project but I have some problems
loading the chain-config.xml... does anyone setup a web application with
commons-chain (ChainListener)?

  If I specify org.apache.commons.chain.CONFIG_ATTR on my web.xml the
catalog is no longer null but it does not contain any commands.

  I have looked at the source code severall times and I don't know where is
the problem. Help?

I have appended a logger to commons-chain and commons-digester... here are
the results :

** commons-chain log

15:46:17,970 - INFO org.apache.commons.chain.web.ChainListener -
Initializing chain listener
15:46:18,050 - DEBUG org.apache.commons.chain.web.ChainResources - Loading
chain config resource 'chain-config.xml'

** commons-digester log

does not provide any information about commons-chain parse operation (?)

My configuration :

** chain-config.xml (that is being copied to the WEB-INF/classes)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    <catalog name="risks">




** web.xml (Tomcat-5.0.27)



Pedro Salgado

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