
I'm new to Struts and have been working on ASP.NET for a while.

I'm in the middle of creating my first tag, a Calendar tag, which provides a UI
for end users to pick up a date. This control works well in a JSP page.

I want the year, month and day selected by an end user to be posted back to the
server so that I can do some validation before the page is redirected to the
Action page.

Here is what I am thinking of doing now: 
1. Have the tag create 3 hidden inputs in the HTML code 
2. Submit the form
3. Read the values passed from the Request
4. Process the validation and return respective results

I think the above method is not a good approach.

I notice that in the validate() method of the ActionForm, we can validate the
inputs from various HTML inputs, like textbox, options, etc. 

My question is: Can I code my Calendar control in such a way that I can use the
validate() method of the ActionForm class to validate the YEAR, MONTH and DAY
selected by an end user? If no, how can I validate the Calendar input?

Thanks in advance!

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