Take a look at the nested tags.
In your case, your code may end up looking like:

<nested:form action="/myAction">
  <nested:iterate property="listOfRows">
     <nested:iterate property="listOfFields">
        <nested:text property="myField">


On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 10:31:59 +0100, Olasoji Ajayi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have been trying to create a table on my form from a single property in my 
> actionForm. the property is a List (actually an ArrayList) containg the rows 
> of the table, each element (i.e row on the table) is represented by a List of 
> Strings representing the fields of the list. i can code my JSP page to 
> display the contents of the proprety in a table but i cant get it to set the 
> values of the property from the page on submit. all the efforts has failed, i 
> my latest effort, i coded the property as property[row][col] but i get an 
> error that dia is no getter method for property[0][0]. i wrote the access 
> methods like
> String getProperty(int row, int col){
> return  (String)((List)property.get(row)).get(col);
> }
> it did not work, any ideas will be apreciated.

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