On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 19:03:21 +0100, PA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2005, at 18:50, Jim Barrows wrote:
> > http://www.lightbody.net/~plightbo/archives/000144.html
> "RoR is simply a RESTful CRUD framework" sounds like very high praise
> to my uninformed hears :)
> > If you're trying to do anything beyond CRUD direct mapping doesn't
> > work.
> Hmmm... care to elaborate and expend a bit on that line of thoughts?
> Concrete example would greatly help in understanding what precisely
> "doesn't work" as you see it.

I'm speaking of frameworks that do a lot of the work for you, which
Rails seems to.

1) Tracking every change and view made to or of a record.  The record
doesn't necessarily come from one table.
2) Any odd mix of SQL and stored procedures.   Which is how 1 was
implemented.  No I didn't implement, no I couldn't change it, and no I
don't I don't want to remember anymore.
3) Restricting CRUD functionality by record, or part of record. Again
where a record is not one table.
4) Anywhere one page updates more then one table.

My personal favorite:
Mapping a UseCase object, Actor object and the 0+ Diagrams on which
they can be viewed. UseCase can refer to one and only one actor, while
and actor can have 1 or more uscases. This is not a parent child
relationship, but a peer relationship.   Any Actor/UseCase can appear
on more then one diagram.  Diagrams, just to really muck things up ,
inherit from Artifact.  A project has 1 or more Artifacts, and there
is a whole heirarchy of Artifacts that a project might have.

> As an asside, are you familiar with Zope's ObjectPublishing?
> http://zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZDG/current/ObjectPublishing.stx
> Cheers
> --
> PA, onnay equitursay
> http://alt.textdrive.com/
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James A Barrows

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