Since a JavaScript function can return any type of value, including a
String, why can't you just write a function that returns the value of
userField1? Perhaps within the a tag, you could call a function that
generates the entire href, using concatenation?
Sorry if I'm not understanding the problem correctly.
Susan Bradeen wrote:
In a form on a JSP I have input text boxes, one with a link beside it
that opens a field value selector window.
<html:text property="userField1" />
<html:text property="userField2" />
<a href="'
<html:rewrite page="/"
name="requestform" property="udf2Map" />');">
<img src="<html:rewrite page='/images/inspect.gif' />" ></a>
With the link parameter hard coded as "parent=XXX", this works
perfectly. However, I need to pass the current value of "userField1"
as the parent value to the promptUserField action. Basically, instead
of "parent=XXX", I need
Now, this doesn't seem that tough, but I am drawing a huge blank on a
solution. Javascript retrieves the current field value, but then what?
Is it possible to combine scriptlets and javascript to build that page
attribute? I just don't see how.
I can put an onchange event in the userField1 tag to update a hidden
field or requestform field. But would that help me? I am already
passing a map for parameters. I can't tack on another single
requestform parameter using the tag attributes that Struts could
access automatically.
I am not coming up with an idea as to how to put this together. Can
someone just point me in the right direction?
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