
There is something I do not understand with the way JSP outputs XML:
If in my source JSP file, I have something like this:
a & b
The XML parser should interpret this string as "a & b" and represent it internally as "a & b". However, when it ouputs that data to the XML file being sent back to the browser, in this string "a & b" the ampersand should be escaped as "a & b", as the destination is XML.
The problem is the output I get is simply "a & b". I believe this behaviour to be wrong (as the resulting XML file does not comply to the specs).

Of course, if have included a <html:xhtml/> tag at the top of my file (with the proper namespace set).

Is there a problem with my configuration of struts or tomcat, or is this behaviour intended for some reason, or is this a bug, or am I just missing something here?


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