Cheers for all the advice.  I have already implemented JDBCRealm but
have decided to try out the SecurityFilter (as recommended) to see for
myself what it is like and what additional features it offers.


Unfortunatley I've had a few problems setting up the securityfilter...

To start off with Tomcat always displayed the following message during
startup: 'SEVERE: Error filterStart'.  Following on from advice I
recieved on the securityfilter help forum I tried adding Catalina.jar
to Tomcat's classpath.  This resulted in "NoClassDefFoundError:
org/apache/commons/digester/RuleSet", which I fixed by adding
common-digester.jar to Tomcat's classpath.

Now when I run Tomcat I get the following error:
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tomcat/util/log/SystemLogHandler 
        at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method) 

I've searched through a number of *.jar files on my machine and looked
on Google, but can not find out which *.jar contains the
SystemLogHandler class file.

If anyone can tell me which files I need to add to the classpath, or
indeed if it sounds like I've configured some part of my application
incorrectly, then I'd really appreciate some of your input.

Thank you in advance (once again),

Tim Christopher

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