I'm having an interesting issue.  I have a form in which the only input is a 
bunch of text boxes which correspond to quantities of products.  The associated 
form thus consists of just a HashMap.  My JSP page is as follows:
<... header stuff ...>

        <th>Product Number</th>
        <th>Quantity to add</th>

<c:forEach items="${priceList}" var="cur">
<c:set scope="page" var="curPrdNumber" value="${cur.prdNumber}"/>

        <td><c:out value="${cur.itemName}"/></td>
        <td><c:out value="${cur.prdNumber}"/></td>
        <td><fmt:formatNumber type="currency" 
currencyCode="${cur.currencyCode}" value="${cur.price}"/></td>

        <td style="text-align:right"><html-el:text 
property="quantity(${curPrdNumber})" size="3" maxlength="5" /></td>

<... submit button, close form, etc....>

However, the output of the last TD is: 

<input type="text" name="quantity(${curPrdNumber})" maxlength="5" size="3" 

which is correct except for that whole "not interpreting the EL expression" bit.

I've tried using a page-scoped temporary variable (as above), I've tried 
directly referencing ${cur.prdNumber} in the html-el:text tag, I've checked all 
my TLDs and the struts-el.jar files to ensure they're in the correct place and 
checked the web.xml file to make sure all the TLDs are mentioned.  There are no 
error messages in my application's log or my application server's log that 
would suggest some class or configuration file being out of whack.

All my other taglibs (normal struts tags and jstl tags) are working just fine, 
and the html-el tag /seems/ to work fine from a Struts standpoint in that it 
makes an <input type="text"> just like it should, but no el-evaluation.  This 
problem doesn't appear to be specific to the mapped property "quantity", as I 
can try other html-el tags that directly refer to either ${curPrdNumber} or 
{$cur.prdNumber}, and I get the same result -- no evaluation.

Am I missing something glaringly obvious?


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