I switched my code to the following jstl tags as suggested.  The first part
works with no problem, but I get no output from the tile attempt except for
the layout being applied with the word "testing".  Do I need to use
<tile:importAttribute/> or some other tag to make the quote bean accessible
from the tile?

 <c:forEach var="quote" items="${quoteForm.quoteValues}">
   <!-- no tile used --> 
          <c:out value="${quote.offerPriceLightValue.sizeValue.size}"/>
    <!-- tile attempt -->
    <tiles:insert definition=".quote.list.item" flush="false">
      <tiles:put name="quote" beanName="quote"/>

I would like to define the following tile definition:

<definition extends=".table.holder" name=".quote">
  <put name="content" value="/quote.jsp"/> </definition>

And have quote.jsp as follows:

    <td>      testing
      <c:out value="${quote.offerPriceLightValue.sizeValue.size}"/>

Thank you for your time, 

Jason Long
CEO and Chief Software Engineer
BS Physics, MS Chemical Engineering

-----Original Message-----
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: Tiles scope headache assistance needed.

From: "Jason Long" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Where are all the Tiles gurus?  I asked this question in less detail about
> month ago and I still have not made any progress in this matter. Please
> original message below.

You would probably get more help if you were using JSTL's <c:forEach> and
<c:out> instead of <logic:iterate> and <bean:write>.  The difference may be
irrelevant for this particular question, but I doubt I'm alone in skipping
right over most questions that use the 'classic' Struts tags without

Wendy Smoak

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