I think using commons-chain is a very cool idea, I just think the reality is you'll end up still seeing much use of the ServletActionContext from within the Command objects which goes against your comment that you'll be able to write "http-free" components as the chain events. I don't really see how you are going to avoid this in a web application. Take for instance something as simple as wanting to create custom ActionMessages based on the result of something that happened in a Command or even worse - across multiple Commands?

Well, I think you're blurring things here. When I talk about "http-free" components, I'm talking about your business logic, not your controllers (actions or commands).

It's true that right now almost none of the base request processor commands are independent of the Servlet API, but that's because of Struts' old dependencies. If we refactored Action and ActionForm to use ActionContext, then the base commands could be independent of the Servlet API, while some implementations of Action and ActionForm might still have their own dependencies.


Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://blog.germuska.com "Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction" -The Ex

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