On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 10:14:36 -0500 (EST), Frank W. Zammetti
> You mean as far as 1.x goes?  I'm just looking now to see how the config
> file is read in (haven't played with Digester at all yet).  But yes, just
> dropping the doctype was how I was going to, temporarily, get around any
> validation problems.  I figured either (a) what I do gets added to the
> core and the DTD gets updated at that point, or (b) people can use it as a
> contrib thing with the knowledge that they have to drop the doctype (or
> updated the DTD themselves and keep it local I suppose).
Ok, thanks for clarifying that.  For a while I got confused, because
Joe was talking about extending the DTD and going around validation,
when I thought you meant to look at contributing it to the core.

On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 08:23:44 -0600, Joe Germuska <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I haven't done anything about it yet, but I've kind of been expecting
> to add a similar kind of configuration value to forward elements.  It
> is probably the most straightforward way to plug-in the kind of
> page-prep behavior that I've hacked in to other apps.

And I've been silently wishing you'd add it, too. :)
We've had discussions about this maybe twice before, and another time
I lit the flame, you responded, but I wasn't able to follow through
with the discussion.

The first exchange on this I participated in, Joe brought up the idea
of having renderers/controllers tied to forms, and my concern was
having multiple forms needed for a single forward.  Here's a busy
config idea I came to based on those discussions:

(Looking at that date, this was almost a full year ago.)

Taking into consideration Chain and ActionContext, these could be
implemented with commands specifically written for these purposes
without having to implement another interface.  A POJO leaning would
require the "method" parameter that Frank has.  I think either of
these are preferrable to having a PageController or Renderer
superclass/interface that earlier threads mentioned, but it might be
helpful to review those messages as there were some ideas and
considerations mentioned there.



(I'm guessing further discussion on details can/should move to the dev list)

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