Struts using Hibernate. Hibernate is quite easy to learn and has a large community.


Sebastian Hennebrueder


Tutorials for JSP, JavaServer Faces, Struts, Hibernate and EJB

karthikeyan balasubramanian wrote:
Hi all,

  I am planning to use Tomcat/Struts/MySQL in my project.

  Database operation's can involve more selects and little bit of
update/insert operations.

  I want to know what is the best way to access database using struts.

  I did a research and found few good ways:

  1. Struts using Castor.
  2. Struts using JDO.

  I found Struts with Castor easy to use.  What you guys/gals think on
"What is the best
practices to access DB from Struts?.

  Any inputs here would enable me to make good decision :)

  Looking forward for yours response.

  Have a great day.

Karthikeyan B

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