i prefer to use OJB for persistence, because i like the approach of coming
from the object world and define the mapping to the database, while
hibernate (and others) tend to come from the database and help you generate
OJB is very easy to use, and you won't see anything related like PK-FK or
"id" within your java code which makes it easy to read and has nothing
database related in it. but if you have the need to tune performance etc.
OJB gives you access to everything, inluding using stored procedures.


Günther Wieser

Guglgasse 6/1/11/1
A-1110 Wien

-----Original Message-----
From: karthikeyan balasubramanian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 9:19 AM
To: user@struts.apache.org
Subject: Struts DB Access :: Best Practices

Hi all,

  I am planning to use Tomcat/Struts/MySQL in my project.

  Database operation's can involve more selects and little bit of
update/insert operations.

  I want to know what is the best way to access database using struts.

  I did a research and found few good ways:

  1. Struts using Castor.
  2. Struts using JDO.

  I found Struts with Castor easy to use.  What you guys/gals think on "What
is the best practices to access DB from Struts?.

  Any inputs here would enable me to make good decision :)

  Looking forward for yours response.

  Have a great day.

Karthikeyan B

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