On Wed, 09 Mar 2005 15:48:52 -0600, Scott Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> karthikeyan balasubramanian wrote:
> > I looked at iBATIS, it seems to be simple and easy to use.  I will
> > also check out
> > others and let you know my thoughts.
> I'll add one to your list: Axamol SQL Library
> <http://www.slamb.org/projects/axamol/sql-library/>
> It's a project of mine, so I'd love to hear if it works out for you. (Or
> if it doesn't do what you need, but could if I added feature X.)
> It is similar to iBATIS SQL Maps but lighter / narrower in scope. I
> looked over their user manual recently, and the differences I spotted were:

Disclosure: I am an iBATIS developer, so I'd like to offer another
opinion on the comparison.


> - iBATIS does database pooling for you; Axamol does not. I prefer to use
> the servlet container's built-in pooling.

What about testing your DAOs? The dependency on the servlet container
can become problematic.

> - iBATIS does caching; Axamol does not. I haven't encountered the
> situation in which I'd want quite the caching they have.

I work with iBATIS on a project where I regularly do queries over
multi-gigabyte tables. Caching is darn handy in those situations. :-)

> - iBATIS has a lot of options to use JavaBeans, which I don't find
> useful. I just take parameters in a java.util.Map and return a
> java.sql.ResultSet directly. (I'm a DynaActionForm kind of guy, so using
> a form bean form this would be a little out of place.)

OK, now I have to just plain disagree with you. ;-)

Using Maps and ResultSet in your application as the domain model is
just plain bad design.

It is difficult to test and too loosely coupled. 

I am sure Vic will disagree with me if he's reading this. :-P

> - iBATIS has a lot of support for translating "magic" values (of the
> 9/9/99 variety) into nulls, which is a fundamentally bad idea. Axamol
> doesn't do this and never will.

Hmm, I tend to agree that this is a bad idea. I avoid that, too.

> - iBATIS's conditional SQL elements have this prepend="..." attribute
> that I find confusing. I accomplish the same thing just by using boolean
> identities: "true and boolvar" = "false or boolvar" = "boolvar". Compare
> the example on iBATIS SQL Map's developer guide page 35 to my example
> two at
> <http://www.slamb.org/projects/axamol/sql-library/manual/pr01s02.html>
> and you'll see what I'm getting at.

That is an interesting approach. Very simple. I have yet to see a
clean way of dealing with this problem. IMO, no SQL framework feels
quite right for this stuff. When I was coding SQL directly in Java, I
did it the way you describe.

> - Axamol includes XSLT and standardized elements for embedding
> documentation in your libraries and producing HTML for them.

Cool! I have wondered if including that in iBATIS would be used. Do
your users use that much?

> - Axamol captures timing statistics which are useful for determining
> where you need to optimize your SQL.

That is a nice feature, and I think it would be easy to add to
iBATIS...maybe in the next version.

A few other things I did not see in Axamol:
 - row handlers
 - consistent dynamic sql (from what I see, there are different ways
for altering the order and the where clauses..are there others?)

The binding looks more awkward to me:
  iBATIS - select * from someTable where key = #id#
  axamol - select * from someTable where key = <s:bind param="id"/>

With many parameters, this would get really noisy IMO.

I like how you handle multiple databases. Simple. Good job on that.

Cool project Scott, I hope you are not offended if we take some of
your ideas for iBATIS. ;-)


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