I think the real power here is NOT in whether it is more or less code,
but the move to a declarative way of handling the setup. 

I can compare it to the bean factory portion of spring. Technically I
may write more code to use Spring. I certainly have to include other
resources (spring jars) to use it, but it is extremely powerful. Now
everything is in an xml file that I can change easily. 

So I no longer want to use SetupClass1 and method1 instead I use
SetupClass52. I just go in and change the descriptor and in a matter of
minutes I have made ALL my changes in a single file, instead of in every
action where I am using it. It's a matter of convenience. 

I have been there enough times, and I am sure others have, to know that
changing that all in a single file is a LOT faster than going through
hundreds of files searching for "SetupClass1.setupMethod1(request)". Or
the worse case searching for that in a project that you got attached to
at the last minute and need to make the change... are you sure you
caught them all?


-----Original Message-----
From: Shey Rab Pawo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 2:02 PM
To: Frank W. Zammetti
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List; Ben Taylor
Subject: Re: Eliminate Setup Actions

This is more, not less, code, is it not?   You have:

   <setupItem setupClass="com.omnytex.setupexample.setups.SetupClass1"
> setupMethod="setupMethod1" /> 

which has to be used for all actions that use this, right?

compared to:


I don't see the "less code" point.  Looks like more code to me, but
just a different kind of code.

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