At 21:49 11.03.2005, you wrote:
Same here. It's kind of odd because we are a very large organization, yet, it's still "one guy doing everything" kind of a place. The only thing we don't do any more is actual server administration, but we used to. We're also moving towards not doing DBA work, but that's still a ways off. Generally-speaking though, same deal here.

Not that it matters, but I personally wouldn't ever want to work someplace that *isn't* like that. There's no part of application development I'd want to completely extricate myself from.

I agree 90% with you... but I'll gladly give-up on most of the HTML/JavaScript work.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Jeff Beal wrote:
In practice, there are mutliple iterations of this, and I couldn't
conceive of it working unless the framework person and the developer
person work well together and are close both in the organization chart
and geographically.

You can't get any closer than the two being the same person! :-) We have three Java/Web/SQL developers. We all pretty much have our hands in all of the layers of the application code, from SQL and PL/SQL all the way to HTML and JavaScript.

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