I'm trying to create a form that will be validated over a series of jsp's. I'm 
using the page property with individual fields to specify whether they should 
be validated on a particular page and then setting the hidden page property to 
whatever the corurrent jsp page.

This is how my field looks in the validation.xml

<field property="adults"

                  <arg0 key="passengerBookingForm.adults"/>

But it just seems to ignore this validation whatever I set the form page 
property to. I'm expecting it to perform this validation if the form page 
property is >= 2, and ignore the validation altogether if the form page 
property is < 2.

I have noticed that changing the page value to an integer (without the quotes) 

<field property="adults"

                  <arg0 key="passengerBookingForm.adults"/>

it does the validation, but it will do it no matter what I set the page form 
property to. Has anybody got this working or know what I'm doing wrong?
I appreciate any help, thank you,


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