Eain Mat wrote:

yes I can remove blank line in source <c:out></c:out> but this will cause less 
readability in code.

I like the option to trim whitespace in web.xml. can you please provide me more information or reference?

Just locate the "jsp" servlet in $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml and add the following <init-param>:



Jason Lea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I do this sort of thing:


So that there are no blank lines for those parts.

also for tomcat 5.5 (not sure when it was added) there is an option in the default web.xml

between   -->
[false]     -->

Which gets rid of whitespace when it compiles the JSP page.

Eain Mat wrote:

let say I included some tag library in my jsp and everytime, I have a blank 
line in my source, I will have a blank line in response too. Is there way to 
strip off or filter out those blankline.

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