Brian McGovern wrote the following on 4/4/2005 12:25 PM:

And yeah im using c:out into POHTML tags. Bletch all ya want, i still
think its a better way to go than action forms. My struts-config is nice
and small too :)

I still think (as Jack pointed out) you are having some confusion between ActionForms and maybe the Struts html tags on the page? The two are only slightly related to each other (the Struts html tags require an ActionForm in the background, but not the other way around). You can use POHTML tags and still have an ActionForm hold your data for you. You do not have to use the Struts html tags at all if you don't want to.

Although, I have to also point out in reference to your comment:

Action forms write out html for you. What if i wanted to put style
attribs in my form tags or use javascript for submission wrappers on the
button clicks, or stuff like that. Didn't think I could do that with
action forms.

Easily done. No limitation on Javascript or any css that you want to add to any of the Struts html tags.

> I like 100% control of the code on the presentation layer.
Again, just my preference, but I think the framework should write no
html at all and should just pass data up to the view.

That's fine, but just remember this is independent of the use of "ActionForms" so for example if you had an ActionForm with a property:

ActionForm .. .{
  EmployeeBean employee;
  //getEmployee setEmployee

on your JSP you could do...

<html:text property="employee.firstName"/>


<input type="text" name="employee.firstName" value="${yourForm.employee.firstName}"/>

and they have the same effect when populating the ActionForm. (Using the Struts html tag saves some typing though and you can still add any styles or javascript that you may need.)


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