Woodchuck wrote the following on 4/4/2005 1:35 PM:

for Rick:
  - if and when your web app does experience OutOfMemoryExceptions due
to sheer volume (of users/sessions), then what can you do to fix this?
do you just keep maximizing the server memory, and/or keep adding
servers (clustering/load balancing)?

Well after looking for what was actually causing the out of memory problems, and determining it was just a matter of some necessary beans in Session scope causing the problem, than yes, add more memory etc.

The thing to realize here is time is money. Does you company want to spend a ton money creating code that is a pain to maintain? I'll bet you in the long run, it's cheaper to add more RAM than it would be to maintain various solutions simply to avoid using the Session. I like web applications to be easy to code and maintain. And don't just think of the now, think of the developers that have to be on the project 6 months from now when requirements change.

Some of the approaches that are often described to avoid using the Session simply do not make sense to me when you weigh out the maintenance costs. Invariably non-Session using solutions involve persisting a bunch of hidden variables. This just gets really messy from my experience especially later on when people inherit the code and aren't positive if they no longer need X hidden variable so they just leave it and then that code gets maybe copied to some other part of the application. Things just get ugly over time. Again, I don't use the Session when I do not need to, but if I need to maintain state across multiple requests, I use it, and don't feel bad about it....

"Hi my name is Rick and I use the Session to store objects."

"Hi Rick!"

<SUA - Session Users Anonymous - meeting/>


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