I can understand presenting different menu options based on user
privileges and having the same layout pages.  But my concern is there
may be some pages which a user with less privileges may not be allowed
to see at all, and what if he finds the url of that page and types the
url in the browser and if that particular page does not have the
authority-check not built into it, that user may be able to do stuff
on the page......I hope you know what I am saying.

On Apr 8, 2005 3:56 PM, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sudip shrestha wrote:
> >I have user types with varying level of privileges and only a defined
> >user type can access a particular page.  I thought of using filter for
> >this purpose, but not sure how to designate which layout*.jsp (have
> >created multiple layout.jsp pages for varying user types: e.g. admin
> >can access layout1.jsp, user can access layout2.jsp) can be accessed
> >by which user type.
> >
> I'm not sure if we're addressing the same problems, or if my solution is
> a good one, but I have "tiles:insert" tags that insert menuing sub-tiles
> wrapped by an authorization level check, so depending on their auth
> level they get a different menu tile inserted.
> So the overall layout is the same for all user types, but different user
> authorization levels have different subtiles inserted. This method could
> be extended to cover any aspect of the layout: in my case it's a single
> row of menu options underneath the page's logo header.
> I imagine you could also create the name of the tile to be inserted
> on-the-fly using EL, but I didn't do that. Don't know why not; that
> seems cleaner, but I'm tired.
> Dave

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