I wholeheartedly agree that often times, simplicity is the best way to
go for web (and webapp) UIs.  However, end-user simplicity does not
always imply developer simplicity (i.e. bare-bones HTML).

Case in point:  Google Maps vs. Mapquest, specifically in the Scroll Map
use case.  Which one is simpler and more intuitive for the user?  For
me, grabbing and dragging the map with my cursor (in any direction I
desire) is more intuitive than clicking on arrow buttons to scroll the
map (in N/S and E/W directions only).  

Sometimes it takes more developer effort/technology to create something
that's easier to use.  Sometimes it doesn't.  But to say that
client-side scripting is completely unnecessary for "well designed"
application UIs is incorrect, IMO.  It depends on what your users need
to do.

- Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 10:48 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: AJAX: Whoa, Nellie!

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

>On Tue, April 19, 2005 5:30 am, Jesse Alexander (KBSA 21) said:
>>I also think that a well-designed web-UI does not need JS at all...
>Then what results is exactly what you say: a WEB UI.  This was good 
>enough five years ago, it isn't today.
>People expect, generally, more robust UIs delivered in a browser.  They

>expect webapps that look, feel and work more like fat clients.  This is

>all a virtual impossibility without some dergee of scripting.

I, with respect for the author, disagree with this entirely.

I am people, and this is not what I expect or desire at all. As a user,
I expect and desire 1) A fast download 2) my bookmarks to work/easy to
remember URLs 3) an organized and well-thought-out left rail 4) a go
home link at the top 5) a two-field registration 6) an encrypted log on
7) content I can read in a text-only browser. None of these require any
browser scripting at all.

And most importantly, I want information that I regard as being of great
quality. Anything beyond the seven I mentioned only gets in my way.

Erik -- who prefers mail2web to GMail.

>There are of course cases where this doesn't natter... sometimes the
>simplistic Google front page approach is perfect.  But you'll pretty
>quickly run up against some serious roadblocks to developing anything
>other than "classic" web UIs without scripting.
>Your point is well-taken... scripting does indeed entail some level of
>danger... but so does driving a car, and we all do that without much
>thought :) (which is of course part of the problem with driving today,
>I digress...)

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