The IE behavior you discuss is the normal behavior.  That is the
"trick" with multiple submits and <input type='image'>.  For various
solutions you can see LookupDispatchAction in Struts (which is really
heavy) or a bevy of choices at


On 5/9/05, Chad Rosen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all..
> I have a shopping cart page with two submit buttons that we've changed to
> html:image tags.
> They look like this..
> <html:image property="checkout" value="Check Out"
> src="/cerebus/store/images/checkout.gif"/>
> and
> <html:image property="updateCart" value="Update"
> src="/cerebus/store/images/updateCart.gif"/>
> In my action I'm checking to see if the user has pressed the updateCart
> image. If they did I return them back to the cart.
> if(request.getParameter("updateCart") != null)
> {
>    //do stuff here.
> }
> So, this works in firefox/netscape but it doesn't in IE. I guess IE submits
> the value of the image as updateCart.x and updateCart.y (where x and y are
> the coordinates of the image that were pressed).
> What is the propper way to deal with this so that it works in both IE and
> Firefox. I'm defining my form beans in the struts-config as
> DynaValidatorActionForms so I can't do the solution in the struts user
> guide.
> Thanks,
> Chad
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