it's not clear what you are trying to do that is different from standard. Struts puts the ActionErrors in the request by default. The Messages too.

I used to know this inside out but it's been a year or so... but I think the key is like this:


On 27/05/05 19:46 Ray Madigan wrote:
I am looking for the ability to handle the ActionMessage in a different way
in my application.  In the validate method of the form I create a new
instance of ActionErrors and add ActionMessage instances to it.  In the
Action dispatch method I call validate and get a non empty ActionErrors
instance.  To figure how to make this work, I can get the iterator to the
keys and copy it to the request attribute like

Iterator iter = errors.properties ( );
request.setAttribute ( "ERRORS", errors );

but I can't get the messages associated with the property to allow me to
manipulate my page.

What I would like is:

for ActionErrors to be a collection, the I could iterate on the errors and
get the key and the values.  I could iterate on the values, or reteive a
specific one.

I want the ability to inspect an error condition and if it exists or not and
generate jsp accordingly with an error message.

Does anyone know how to do this?

it would look like, but I dream too much

<c:when test='${ not empty ERROR.confirmMatch }'>
    <c:forEach var='message' items='${ERROR.confirmMatch}'>
        <tr><td><fmt:message key='${message}'/></td></tr>
        <!--  Generate specific code -->
        <!-- Generate specific code -->

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