|                                                                  |
Pascal                                                      Algol
    |                                                             |
------------------                                               CPL
|                 |                                                |
Ada       Modula-2                                       BCPL
|                 |                                                |
Ada 95   Modula-3                                      B
                  |              |
                  Eiffel       Smalltalk

Here are the object -oriented programming languages of note: Ada 95,
Modula-3, C++, Eiffel, Smalltalk and Java.  Right?
I think Lisp along with Prolog, Scheme, Guile and CLOS (Common Lisp)
as children of Logic and Fortran is considered to be "Functional and
Logic Programming Languages".

On 6/1/05, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> >Actually smalltalk was a very good candidate, and java sells some
> >technologies as modern, which were developed in/for smalltalk decades ago...
> >
> >
> And Lisp, don't forget Lisp.
> >Ok, let's say: java is the first component-oriented language accepted by
> >masses (or powered by a huge company)?
> >
> >
> "Accepted by masses" might work for me.
> Not that this is necessarily a Good Thing, of course, and might, in
> fact, be just the opposite.
> Dave
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