
Short description:
How do I get posted data into a bean within the form bean ?

The JSP has this code.
<html-el:text property="dependent.firstName" maxlength="15" value=

The page is posted and I get this error:
[07/06/05 15:15:22:743 EDT] 6aa06aa0 WebGroup      E SRVE0026E: [Servlet 
Error]-[BeanUtils.populate]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No bean 

Really I'm getting exasperated trying to get this working.
All of the examples I've found deal with collections or simply getting the 
data onto the page.
I need to pick it up from the page.

Long Description:
My form bean contains a value object.
public class DependentForm extends ActionForm {
   private ImageButtonBean addButton = new ImageButtonBean();
   private ImageButtonBean cancelButton = new ImageButtonBean();
   private DependentVO dependent;

public class DependentVO extends Dependent {

public class Dependent extends People {

public class People {
   private Date dateOfBirth;
   private int employeeNumber;
   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   private String relationshipCode;
   private String sexTypeCode;
   private String smokerIndicator;

The JSP has this code.
<html-el:text property="dependent.firstName" maxlength="15" value=


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