Minor additions
Hubert Rabago wrote:

1) People on the list help each other out voluntarily.

So thank the people that help you, even if they help you off-line.

If they help you a LOT, thank them even more, especially for off-topic or RTFM/STFW answers, even MORE especially if you ask a lot of them. One or two dumb questions is fine, we all flail looking stuff up sometimes. Otherwise read ESR's "How to ask smart questions" essay.

Or you will be invoiced.

5) The most important reason is to share the solution with the rest of
the community.  Discussing solutions offline cuts off the rest of the
community from it.  Someone else might be interested in the solution,
if not at the moment, then at some future time when they search the
This extends to solving the problem yourself--saying "Never mind, fixed it" or nothing at all doesn't help future archive searchers; at least throw a little blurb in giving (at least) minor details


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