I didn't get any response to this last time so I'm asking again... :-)

I'd like to replace URLs like this:


with URLs like this:


An action mapping like this will match that URL:

  <action path="/Sections/*/Subsections/*"

The problem is, there's then no way to get what the wildcards matched in the view (JSP). For reasons discussed elsewhere I don't want to put a different action in front of each view, so I need a more general solution.

I'd like to sub-class ForwardAction and put the wildcard matches from the URL into a map which can then go into request context. But how can I pass the matches *into* the action? I can't user the 'parameter' attribute since it's already used to specify where to forward to.

I thought about this:

  <action path="/Sections/*/Subsections/*"
    <set-property property="extraInfo"

But the wildcard URL matching stops working if I do that and anyway I don't think dereferencing the matches would work in that context.

So, any other suggestions? The only thing I can think of right now is overloading 'parameter', something like


and doing the necessary fixup in my action class. Can anyone suggest anything better?


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