Thanks Laurie for pointing that out.

To validate an XML file, dtd or xsd defined order. This is an XML
standard. I think one may create a new DTD (or even better a xsd ) that
can separate different configuration files, while compatible with older
version struts dtds.

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Laurie Harper"
  Subject: Re: long struts-config.xml file
  Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 23:20:35 -0400

  > Craig McClanahan wrote:
  > > Validation against the DTD requires two things:
  > >
  > > * Using the DOCTYPE declaration (as shown above) in the outer
  > > configuration file
  > >
  > > * Setting the servlet init parameter "validating" to "true" in
  > > /WEB-INF/web.xml
  > > for the Struts ActionServlet
  > >
  > > It doesn't matter whether you use XML entities or not.
  > One note of caution: validation also requires complying with the
  > document order specified by the DTD, which can constrain the way
  > you break the file out into external entities (they have to
  > reassemble in valid document order).
  > I'm not familiar enough with the DTD to know if this'll be a factor
  > for a struts-config.xml, or if Struts / Digester is sensitive to
  > document order (if you turn off validation).
  > L.
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Jack H. Xu
Technology columnist and author

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