I have two questions. In thinking about security,
there are two uses using Struts forms which I don't
know how to solve. 

1. Is it common practice in a web-application to force
some actions only through a POST request? For
instance, I have a login functionality on my website,
and in my browser's address bar, I can type in the
destination action with username and password attached
as query parameters. I think this is kind of a
security hole. I can also think of other actions in my
application where GET requests are inappropriate.

Is it possible for me to list out which actions I only
want POST from? Is this a standard practice? Would I
configure web.xml to do this, or hardcode a check for
POST in my actions?

2. It is common practice, upon failed validation, for
an action to return back to the same view and display
error messages. This is also good usability because
the user can see the errors next to the erroneous
data. However, I found a security hole in this
methodology: If I were to create a new session and
invoke the action directly with the address bar, I am
presented with error messages on a form whose output
data is incomplete. It is because it is typical to
display alot of business data with the form too, but
this was never loaded because I didn't go through an
edit action.

What do I do here in these cases?


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