Hi EveryBody,

      I'm trying to use some inheritance with ValidatorForm. But, when it's
time to validate some field from the father class in the child class, it
doesn't work. I know that i'm not clear but check this exemple you will
understand more :

        I got a BottleForm class that is extend ValidatorForm and I got two
other class (EditBottleForm and AddBottleForm) that extend BottleForm. When
I try to validate a "father" variable in one of my child class use, it look
like the child class do not know the presence of this "father" variable ( ex
: the location ).  The design look like this :

        BottleForm extend ValidatorForm { with location:String }
                EditBottleForm extend BottleForm { .... }
                AddBottleForm extend BottleForm { .... }

And I'm trying to validate the location in the case of the validation of the

Someone can help me ? Thanks

p.s.: Sorry for my poor english :o)

Charles Gouin-Vallerand
Software Developper - Co-op Trainee (University of Sherbrooke)
AstraZeneca R&D Montreal - DxIx

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