Michael Jouravlev wrote the following on 7/6/2005 3:22 AM:

Can you explain why is it so bad, besides that it is "bad design" and
"defeats pupose of what ActionForms should be used for"? What
ActionForms should be used for, anyway? It is just a class, which has
a simple lifecycle, maintained by Struts. Why the religious fear of
not doing something against how it "should be used for"? If it works,
why not?

Obviously different people will have different ideas for how they should do things and there is something to be said for "hey if it works why not," but here are some things to consider...

1) The person asking I believe was a beginner to Struts. Suggesting to have a DAO used in ActionForm is something definitely unorthodox and since the person is new to the framework it is unlikely he'll see many examples of this and it can get confusing if he's seeing things done in some non-orthodox way. (Granted 'orthodox' doesn't always equate to best-practice, but I'll get into why I think it's bad in some other points).

2) Not only is more difficult for a beginner to start doing things in an unorthodox way, it also will be more difficult for someone else that would have to inherit the code to understand. Poll all the gurus that have been doing Struts for many years and ask them if they'd ever expect to see database calls from within an ActionForm.

Now, putting the above aside, here are some reasons why it's poor design...

3) You asked what the purpose of the ActionForm was for and first off I must state that I don't like the tie in of ActionForms with Struts. I like the approach JSP takes much better, but since I'm working with Struts here the purpose as I understand it is mainly a) To have a tie in to the html:form tag for pulling out properties using the html tag and b) for providing a mechanism to ensure the user's input remains for when validation fails and you are returned back to the page. There has been debate on this list as to where exactly the ActionForm fits in the architecture, but rarely have I seen it debated that it should serve up business logic making calls to the backend. The typical design rule is usually separation of responsibilities. If you now start having ActionForms deal with making calls to your persistence layer, you know just added one more layer to have to maintain this code. Granted, you could make things 'sort of' clean by making sure to call some delegate or facade that hides the backend call, which I like to do anyway in my Action classes. I think it's a good design practice to try to limit where types of calls are being made. By moving backend calls to the ActionForm you've added a whole other layer to have to maintain those calls (other than say just Actions).

4) Since the ActionForm is used to capture user inputted data, it seems against the grain to have the ActionForm itself populating a state that the user wants to edit. Also, typically ActionForms aren't just used to capture 'edit' data but also data for a fresh "add" operation. So now, not only have you added backend calls from your ActionForm, but you now added more complex logic to have to decide when to make those calls and when not to (is the form being used for an edit operation or for a fresh add operation?) Actually I'm not even sure how you would accomplish this? You tell me - how are you going to know it's an 'add or edit' operation while in the reset method? You aren't going to want to populate all the employee/user info if it's an 'add', yet somehow you'll have to know this? I guess you'll have to use request.getParameter because you won't be able to use the form fields since they don't get populate until 'after' the reset is called. So you see the kind of mess things become? You have to tell the new person.. "Oh wait, don't use the form field here to determine if it's an edit or add, because that property hasn't been populated yet."

5) Another problem is consistency. Most users of Struts understand that they submit a form and it goes to an Action and then you forward somewhere. Pretty basic. So imagine the person that inherits the code where the edit information is done by the ActionForm itself... the developer sees himself click the "edit this employee" button and a form page comes up populated with the employees info to edit. He realizes something is a bit wrong and he needs to debug the app. More than likely he's going to look first at the Action the form submits to since that's what most of the forms do... but low and behold, he/she doesn't see where the population of the form is taking place since it's being done in the ActionForm itself.

6) Why not have all your forms simply submit to the generic ForwardAction and you can do all the logic in the reset, not just pre-population? You can pull out request parameters and then do what you need to do there... call updates, inserts, whatever. Actually I'd recommend doing this over doing some of this in resets and some of it in Actions. At least it would be consistent. Or, if you want, do the pre-population in your own RequestProcessor (kidding of course, but the point is you could do things in many places, but I wouldn't say it's the best practice if it doesn't gain you anything versus doing it in a standard consistent way. You save nothing doing prepopulation in a reset method versus an Action so I'd argue to be consistent with how people expect to use the framework - especially when giving advice to a newbie. Sure if you've been using Struts for a long time and feel like messing around, go for it, but for someone new to the framework I'm sure they'd appreciate a consistent simple approach.

Anyway, I'm sure there is more I can think of but it's 6:18am and I haven't been to sleep yet. (So excuse the many grammar mistakes in the above also.) Work will be so much fun tomorrow:)


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